Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Politics (they're everywhere!)

As unimpressed as I am so far with both the D & R wanna be candidates, the office politics going on right now where I work are so much more painful. They are affecting friendships and previously positive working relationships practically to the point of paranoia. All because contractor and non-contractor staff (some of you will get this) are being forced to form new working relationships ... wait, new isn't the right word - NON working relationships is much more accurate. Friends and co-workers of 3o years (little more, little less, it's a helluva long time) are being forced to either take jobs at lesser pay levels or leave. Here's hoping all the smart ones will leave rather than be taken advantage of. And who knows for sure if any of us will still be there in a few months. Not I. But if I am one of those lucky (?) enough to survive the office holocaust, let me just say I will miss those of you who don't. On the other hand, if I am one of those handed a pink slip without an offer from the new company forthcoming ... I will miss those of you are lucky (?) enough to stay. And God bless us - everyone!

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