Monday, December 31, 2007

I lied, she's too young ...

Sooo ... oldest daughter arrived home this afternoon with plans to ring in the New Year with friends tonight, but her excitement was now muffled by the news that one of her best friends had phoned her on the way - on the way to buying a pregnancy test. Jenna was driving on the interstate and on the phone with her while she bought the test, drove home, peed on the stick and set the timer, and still on the phone when time was up and E. walked back into her bathroom to find the clear blue plus sign ... she's pregnant. She's not too young - recently graduated from college with honors, and working full time even ... I lied, she's too young.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Words of Wisdom ...

I don't have any to offer, but would be willing to listen if anyone else had some to share. It is hard, this parenting of young adults. Complicating it further is the fact one of the young adults suffers from major depression (or does she suffer more from the treatment of the illness - that is the million $$ question these days I think), and so I *never* know if I'm saying or doing the right thing to her - ever! Anyway, younger daughter and her boyfriend have been planning for her to visit his hometown over their break from school (he seems like a nice kid ... young guy ... polite, on the quiet side, is kind to her), and while the schedule has changed a few times due to his work schedule, family emergencies, and the like, today was supposed to be the day. But the weather had other ideas, and again we are socked in by fog that severely limits visibility on the interstate so ... she's not going. Her dad (whom I have not had a conversation with in recent months) and I actually agreed that a road trip was just not the smart thing to do - so then why am I the bad guy? Why is it my house she sobs and sulks in, and her dad's house she escapes to? And why am I always the one she seems to be escaping from?? But really what I want to know is - when is the right time to let them make their own bad decisions and learn from them? Even when they're potentially dangerous? It seems to have been so much easier with my older daughter, maybe she was just born with more common sense or maybe it's because younger daughter has struggled so over the years with depression and bad judgment and seems to have always needed more direction and a shorter leash ... I don't know when to let go or at least ease up with this one. Possibly because there isn't the history of showing responsibility or making rational decisions. Possibly because she hasn't been allowed to show she is capable? Hopefully when the time is right I will realize it. Until then it seems 'round and 'round we go ....

*** In my defense, there have been two deaths from tragic car accidents in this awful fog we’re having in the last 2 days – so even if I am officially labeled as a teeny bit paranoid at least in this instance it’s justified.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Perfect snow fall ...

Dear far away friends & family ~

We had a perfect Christmas Day snow fall, so today I'm enjoying the winter wonderland outside (well, now that the snow blowing and shoveling is done ;), and because I know some of you wonder, thought I'd share that this is why others of us live here ... on purpose! :-)

This is the kind of day to be spent lazily in front of the fireplace, dogs curled up near (sometimes on) your feet, leftover bits of Christmas here and there, and of course a cup of fresh brewed coffee always in reach - no doubt about it, a perfect day away from the office.

Monday, December 24, 2007

pre-Christmas Eve

We choose, my daughters and I, to spend pre-Christmas Eve at home prior to joining the hustle and bustle of Eve with extended family. Of course, this means foregoing church with said extended family, but we appreciate our time together just the 3 of us ... and I expect Jesus understands. This is our 16th Christmas as a three-some (not counting assorted dogs, cat(s), birds and fishes). The girls have traditionally spent Christmas Eve with my family, and Christmas Day with their dad & his relatives - that means it gets awfully quiet around here, so I especially appreciate our extended Eve Day time together. Next Christmas we anticipate oldest daughter will have just graduated with her nursing degree, and then where will life take her? Maybe somewhere near, but maybe not, I encourage both of them to explore the big old world out there and it covers a lot more ground then they travel in the 60 miles north and south between home and college ... again, appreciating what potentially could be one of the last Christmas Eves we3 may spend together. Not sure why I feel the need to justify any of this ... back to watching younger daughter enjoying her new keyboard, and older daughter figuring out how to transfer her favorite pictures from her laptop to a memory card to use in her new digital frame. Merry (digital) Eve!

First time for everything!

So let's see how this works ... I haven't decided yet if I'll advertise this blog to friends and family or not, but at the very least it will give me a place to journal - and whether that consists of venting or pondering or just jotting down notes about my day will just depend. That's allowed I think ... and so it begins!