Monday, April 6, 2009

Liver for supper …

Oh my Gag!! I never could stand even the smell of it when my mom used to make it for supper …. yet tonight I found myself cooking up a batch of it for the 3 of them. Not sure exactly what it was (the splattering sound while it cooked? the smell in the air??), but MaggieMay took to her kennel shaking and refused to eat at all. Once Zoe and Barks finished gobbling theirs up (even without the ketchup I always needed to try and disguise the taste … ), I let Maggie out and she darted behind the chair in the sun room … finally taking bite size pieces by hand,and eventually polishing off the bits in her bowl. You know you love your canine kids when you’re willing to tolerate the lingering stench of cooked liver ….

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